If VM Monitoring is enables, the VM Monitoring service using VMware Tools envaluates wheret each virtual machine in the cluster is running by checking for regular heartbeats from the VMware Tools process running inside the guest. If no heartbeats are received, this is most likely because the guest operating system has failed or VMware Tools is not being allocated any time to complete tasks. In such a case, the VM Monitoring service determines that the virtual machine has failed and the virtual machine is rebooted to restore service.
The VM monitoring also monitors VM's I/O activity. If no heartbeats are received with the failure interval, the I/O stats interval is checked. The default I/O status interval is 120 seconds. If there is no disk or network activity has occurred for the VM, the VM is reset.
To avoid restting VM repeatly from non-transient errors, by default, virtual machiens will be reset only three times during a certain configurable time interval. After that, VM HA will not make further attempts to reset VMs within specified time (reset period). Number of reset and Reset period could be configure by sensitivity respectively.
Heartbeat Failure Interval between host and VM:
- high: 30 second, reset period: 1 hour
- medium: 60 second, reset period: 24 hour
- low: 120 seconds, reset period: 7 days
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